There are brands that already bet on many security methods, ranging from PIN, digital fingerprint, to standard, Samsung has already introduced facial recognition, but now Sony wants to go further and Xperia smartphones will have 3D facial recognition. This new facial recognition has already several years, probably decades and in smartphones has spoken again with the output of the Samsung Galaxy S8 that brings facial recognition but only working on a 2D plane and not on a 3D. According to some experts, the security of this technology is questionable and we can prove that this, by examining this recognition with a simple photo, since the technology used by Samsung only makes a recognition in the 2D plane. However, we all know that how the facial recognition works in Samsung devices and not only that even we all know that how this security feature can be deceived as well. As in YouTube, we can find many video demonstrations that how the facial recognition feature can be deceived.
Sony bets on 3D facial recognition on Xperia smartphones
Sony is working at a higher level and wants to look for alternatives to existing ones, one of the paths it is pointing out is 3D facial recognition. At MWC (Mobile World Congress) Shanghai, Sony will introduce 3D facial recognition, using KeyLemon software and sensors from SoftKinect, a subsidiary of Sony. Sony intends with the 3D recognition that this is much safer than 2D recognition so that the unlocking of the equipment can not be done with the use of just one photograph, as happened in the recent Samsung Galaxy S8. Sony claims that 3D recognition should be much harder to cheat when compared to 2D facial recognition, adding an extra layer of security to facial biometrics. There is no date yet as to when this technology will reach the Xperia device, however, this solution seems to be the way for the smartphone to recognize its owner and avoid any other system and in the future will be more difficult to deceive the security of the device. So, what do you think about this new security feature? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.