Cameron Waldrop
Here’s that video below before we get to a breakdown of the 60 titles available. The additional “(+1)” is unknown.
After Burner IIAlien SoldierAtomic RunnerBonanza Bros.ClayFighterCrusader of CentyDesert Strike: Return to the GulfEarthworm Jim 2Ecco the DolphinEcco: The Tides of TimeElemental MasterFatal Fury 2Final Fight CDGain GroundGolden Axe IIGranadaHellfireHerzog ZweiMidnight ResistanceNIGHT STRIKERNight TrapOutRunOutRunnersPhantasy Star IIPopulousRAINBOW ISLANDS -EXTRA-Ranger-XRistarRobo AlesteROLLING THUNDER 2Sewer SharkShadow Dancer: The Secret of ShinobiShining Force CDShining Force IIShining in the DarknessSILPHEEDSonic 3D: Flickies’ IslandSonic The Hedgehog CDSPLATTERHOUSE 2Streets of Rage 3Super Hang-OnSUPER STREET FIGHTER II THE NEW CHALLENGERSTHE NINJAWARRIORSThe OozeThe Revenge of ShinobiThunder Force IVToeJam & Earl in Panic on FunkotronTruxtonVectorMan 2ViewpointVirtua RacingWarsongYumemi Mystery Mansion
There are also several bonus games included with the Mega Drive Mini 2:
Devi & PiiFantasy ZoneSpace Harrier IISpatterStar MobileSuper LocomotiveVS Puyo Puyo SUN
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